My Favorite (Easy to Grow) Foodplot Seeds!
Yes, you can spend $30,000 on a tractor and another $5,000 on attachments, do soil tests and amend the soil, and grow the most beautiful foodplots your deer have ever seen. But that is not the only way to practice foodplottery!
Believe it or not, when I first planted that seed in that location, some of it grew on a stump just like this one. (Results not typical, LOL.)
I really love this blend. Easy to grow in poor, semi-shaded conditions. In our case this year, we cleared the area good and spread the seeds, then covered the seed lightly with the dead grass and leaf duff we had raked off, just to protect it from birds and run off. We got a soaking rain and viola! Three days later, nice germination. Video on the YouTube Channel shows the planting and follow-up videos show the results.
Now, we DID put down 40 pounds of pelletized lime a few weeks in advance. That will only make the plants tastier and help them absorb the fertilizer we will spread in the future.
Any of the efforts you make, like tilling and soil amendments, will help. And yes, you can buy the same seeds at an ag store, probably. But here you get it in one handy bag, along with planting instructions. Plus you get the piece of mind that you picked the right seed, and it’s already innoculated…if you don’t know what innoculation of seeds is, all the more reason to buy this bag!
In summary—I started my foodplottery with seeds like these. I learned a lot over the years. But I still use this in the “in the woods” foodplot scenarios!
But this stuff CAN be planted with just hand tools as we did in this video.
You won’t feed your whole deer herd with a plot like this perhaps. But you will have fun outdoors and you will have something to show for your efforts if you do it correctly.
One more note: I put this entire bag on a small, SMALL plot. So if your plot is larger than what you see in my videos, consider buying TWO bags lol.
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