How to Haul a Deer Without a Truck...
I was always a truck guy. My first truck, a 1985 Toyota 4x4, was a beat up wreck of a vehicle but as a senior in high school in the late 1980’s, that truck was awesome! I’ve since owned other Toyotas…
Today, I drive a Toyota Rav4. Yeah, it’s all-wheel-drive, but it’s not exactly a pickup! It is instead a good “family” vehicle… sigh…
But I love it, and I’ve found a great way for it to accomodate me as a deer hunter. That is the Hitch Haul.
“Loaded for bear!” Bunjie and I loaded up with the Hitch Haul in place, ready to chase bears in Maine!
The model above actually folds up when not in use. That way, it’s not sticking out and risking a rear-end accident, and not causing someone to walk into it in a parking lot. I will say that for me, it nicely carries two big coolers. Bunjie and I have hauled a lot of deer back from Maryland in coolers on this over the years! Oh, and we’ve hauled entire deer carcasses on them, to the processor or to my home where I could hang it up for processing!
Make sure it’s the right size hitch for your vehicle, but look into these things if you’re looking for a way to haul your deer without a truck.