You Don't Have to Be a Viking to Appreciate VIKING SOLUTIONS!
Viking Solutions tools, really neat stuff! We did a gutless method on this deer (my 2020 PA Buck). That means the carcass stayed in the woods. We spent extra time in the woods, roasts all separated out and even the grinding meat was bagged up in cloth bags. We got the tenderloins out last with this tool (cut through the rib cage and then cut them right out). Not bad for our first attempt; it saved a LOT of time at home.
We carry these handy tools in our blue briefcase (an old bag Genevieve had when she was a kid; I’ve repurposed it for field dressing tools) and it’s ready for action when needed. I will write a separate post on the contents of that bag—maybe even do a video!
The hide puller, above, is a great tool on a hanging warm deer. Grips that hide like you won’t believe. I really do like those tools!