Scorpyd: Weird, But Good! The Podcast!
You may recall that I called Scorpyd crossbows “Weird But Good” in the thumbnail on you YouTube review. This is the podcast episode recorded after Genevieve and I had a chance to play around with the new Scorpyd.
For those of you who don’t know, I chose the Scorpyd Deathstalker 420 as the Successor to Bunjie, 2021. I am very excited to see what this crossbow can do to further the Death by Bunjie Crossbow Method. This podcast is a good start in that direction. it was recorded after our first session with this crossbow, and it shares my immediate reactions to that first session. I am much more comfortable with it now, and content to choose this crossbow as Bunjie’s successor.
Yes, that’s an Excalibur scope on the new Scorpyd. It fits nicely and I love that scope. The scope is the window to the soul of any crossbow. What I mean by that is that when I think of my crossbow, I am thinking of the view through the scope more than anything else.